Episode 16 - Alexis De Veaux

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Photo Credit: Sokari Ekine

Photo Credit: Sokari Ekine

Alexis De Veaux, Ph.D, is one of a stellar list of American writers highlighted by LIT CITY, a public art initiative of banners bearing their names and images in downtown Buffalo, New York, in recognition of the city’s renowned literary legacy. Co-Founder of The Center for Poetic Healing, a project of Lyrical Democracies (with Kathy Engel)and of the Flamboyant Ladies Theatre Company (with Gwendolen Hardwick), Alexis De Veaux is an activist and writer whose work in multiple genres is nationally and internationally known. Widely published, she authored, Warrior Poet, A Biography of Audre Lorde (2004), which won several prestigious awards including the Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Foundation Legacy Award. Ms. De Veaux was a member of the faculty of the University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 1992-2013; teaching, most recently, as an associate professor of women’s and gender studies in the Department of Transnational Studies.

Check out her RedBone Press, Lambda Literary Award winning novel, Yabo HERE.
More about Alexis HERE.
More about Alexis and all dem Guests HERE.


Sharon Bridgforth