Episode 17 - Ananya Chatterjea

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In this interview Ananya speaks of growing up in Kolkata, India learning about transnational feminist & women’s movements, urban beats, social justice and the drum beat of women's daily life in dance. She speaks of coming to the US to study at Columbia university (NY), and later temple University where she received her (Ph.D). Ananya shares her Journey with what it means to make a dance and the how her commitment to social justice taught her to choreograph. She speaks of balancing the weight of loneliness and work as a young working single mother by building her own company - teaching dance to women of color, making work, and building community while creating space for WOC to share their stories and histories of colonialism, violence and resilience through dance.  

Ananya and I are art siblings thanks to our big sister/mentor Laurie Carlos. I am proud to say that I am working as a writer and dramaturge for Ananya as part of her Urban Bush Women Choreographic Fellowship. We recorded this conversation while working at the School of Dance at Florida State University in Tallahassee's Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography (MANCC). 


Ananya Chatterjea is Ananya Dance Theatre founder, artistic director, choreographer, dancer. She is a 2011 Guggenheim Choreography Fellow, 2012 McKnight Choreography Fellow, 2016 Joyce Award recipient, 2019-2020 Urban Bush Women Choreographic Fellow, and a 2019 Dance/USA Artist Fellow. 

More about Ananya HERE.
More about Ananya and all dem Guests HERE.

Sharon Bridgforth